Monday, December 26, 2005

Mahan got its name from Sassanid governor [old news]

Mahan got its name from Sassanid governor

TEHRAN, Oct. 17 (MNA) -- The green city of Mahan in the mainly arid Kerman Province dates back to the time of Sassanid King Khosrow Anushirvan.

The name of Mahan is probably rooted in the name of Azar-Mahan who was appointed by Anushirvan to rule the regions of Kerman and Sistan-Baluchestan.

The director of Kerman Studies Center, Seyyed Mohammad-Ali Golabzadeh, who has recently released his book “Mahan”, writes that the rule of Azar-Mahan might be the only reason for choosing the name Mahan.

Azar-Mahan was an influential governor who performed great works in Kerman and Mahan with the support of the Sassanid king. His wide economic and civic activities in Mahan improved the finical situation of the people during his governorship, such that they gradually were able to help other cities of Iran as well.

Azar-Mahan died during the reign of Hormoz, the son of Anushirvan.

Golabzadeh has written the book in five chapters, “Name and Natural Geography of Mahan”, “Mahan over the History”, “Mahan in the Travelogues”, “Shah Nematollah Vali Monument”, and “Cultural Status of Mahan”.

He points to the Monument of Shah Nematollah Vali, the poet, sage, Sufi and founder of an order of dervishes, as the main reason for the fame of the city.

Sufi Shah Nureddin Nematollah Vali was born in Aleppo (now in northern Syria), spending much of his early life in Iraq including seven years in Mecca. He then traveled to Samarqand, Herat and Yazd before finally settling in Mahan in 1406. He is said to have lived for one hundred years, from 1331 to 1431, and is the founder of the Nematollahi order of Sufi dervishes who still gather at the sanctuary in Mahan.

Thirty five kilometers south of Kerman, there lies the city of Mahan with its gardens and monuments. Shahzadeh Garden is worth a visit with its charming gardens and a collection of pools leading to a large palace. The palace was once the summer residence of a prince though nobody is really sure of his identity.

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