Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Reconstruction Plan for Bulbul Shah Shrine

"Committee headed by DC reviews reconstruction plan of Hazrat Bulbul Shah Shrine (RA)"

Monday, November 21, 2005 from Newsline From Jammu & Kashmir Government
(Courtsey: Department of Information and Public Relations)

Bulbul shah Shrine having a high heritage value

Srinagar, November 21 (INFO)-“All necessary steps will be taken to reconstruct Hazrat Bulbul Shah Shrine (RA) at Bulbul Lanker Nawa Kadal Srinagar on the pattern of other Sufi Shrines like Chrar-e-Sharief, Khankhi Moula and other similar important Shrines” said Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar, Mr. Asgar Samoon while presiding over the meeting convened today for discussing the reconstruction programme of Hazrat Bulbul Shah Shrine (RA).

The meeting was attended by Vice-Chairman, Srinagar Development Authority, Mrs. Naseem Lanker, Director Information, Khawaja Farooq Renzu, Deputy Director, Tourism, Choudhary Wazir Mohammad Hussain and members of the Bulbul Shah Management Board, Mr. Ali Mohammad and Mr. Zahoor Ahmad.

It was decided in the meeting that the committee comprising of Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar, Vice Chairman SDA, Director Information, Director Tourism and members of Management Board of the Shrine will jointly chalk out comprehensive plan for its reconstruction which will be submitted to the concerned agencies for its reconstruction.

Hazrat Bulbul Shah (RA) who belongs to Silsila Khawajagan was the first Sufi Saint who arrived Kashmir in 1320 A.D. and inculcated the spirit of mutual love and brotherhood and peace. He is the most revered and respectable Sufi Saint of first order who is also buried in the Shrine. Recently a high level conference was organized at SKICC Srinagar where scholars and intellectuals shed light on various aspects of life of Hazrat Bulbul Shah (RA). During his whole life Hazarat Bulbul Shah spread the message of Sufism and mutual amity.

The Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar released Rs. 5 lakhs for immediate reconstruction of Bund side of the Shrine and asked the Executive Engineer concerned to start work within ten days.

The Vice-Chairman, SDA said that comprehensive project report alongwith acquiring of peripheral land of Shrine will be submitted to higher authorities shortly for sanction of adequate funds for the purpose. It was also felt that Shrine being the first important muslim Shrine of the sub-continent besides having spiritual importance has tourist value as well.

Thousands of foreign tourists visit this Shrine every year keeping in view its heritage value. The committee decided that all possible steps shall be taken to revive its glory and heritage value. It was also suggested that one auditorium and library in the name of Hazrat Bulbul Shah will be established in nearby Eidgah area.

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