Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Chico, ex-goat herder, first Arab to top charts

By Talal Malik - Reuters - London, 16/03/2006
(Additional reporting by Omar Younis)

A former goat herder has sold twice as many records as Madonna in recent weeks, to become the first Arab to top the British pop singles chart since records began 44 years ago.
"Mashallah - it’s beyond dreams. To know that I’m the first Arab to do that, it’s a very proud moment," Chico told Reuters in an interview. His debut single, "It’s Chico Time", is enjoying its second week in the top spot.

Chico was raised in Morocco by his grandparents until the age of 13. During his childhood he worked as a goat herder before leaving for Britain. "I lived with my grandparents in Aroubia, in the mountains, and was a goat herder. What a life - I was brought up on a thousand-year tradition."

As well as pop music success, Chico and Madonna share an interest in mysticism -- Chico became a Sufi disciple 16 months ago and Madonna’s devotion to the Jewish school of mysticism, Kabbalah, is well-known.
The pop star says his new-found fame was the result of mentoring from Shaykh Nazim al-Qubrusi, an 83-year old Sufi mystic living in northern Cyprus. "Until I met Mawlana Shaykh Nazim, my whole life was in the wilderness, I was like a moth wondering aimlessly, waiting to be reunited with the Divine Ocean," he said.

To avoid being cast as a "one-hit wonder" like many of his talent-show peers, Chico -- the first Arab at the top spot on the Official UK charts for at least four decades -- said he will release an album with a Middle Eastern flavour.
Prior to becoming a singer, Chico and his brother also produced a short film which gained a British Film and Television Academy Award (BAFTA) nomination, and still harbours ambitions to make films.
"Ultimately, I would like to make spiritual films, such as about the Prophet Mohammed, his companions and people like the Sufi poet Jalaluddin Rumi. Whatever I’m going to be doing, it’s going to be spiritually involved."
It is an ambitious leap from "It’s Chico Time", which features the chorus: "Well, you can get delirious, if you take life too serious."

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