Thursday, October 12, 2006

Energy and aromatherapy

By Dr. Amir Farid Isahak - The Star - Malaysia
Sunday, March 26, 2006

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing method that combines the science of essential oils with the art of listening to the body, and applying the appropriate essences to re-harmonise the imbalances. The oils can be sniffed directly, sprayed, taken as inhalation, or more usually, diffused into the air using a burner or diffuser. They can also be used as direct applications to the body, as massage oil, or incorporated into soaps, body care items and even in household sprays and insect repellents.

Because the resources (mostly flowers, herbs, seeds and spices) are readily available, aromatherapy has been practised for thousands of years. However, very little scientific study has been done until recently.
Being a medical doctor, I was very sceptical of aromatherapy. My attitude changed after learning through Sufi Healing that aromatherapy was first used by Prophet Sulaiman (King Solomon) and that some Sufi healers still use rose essential oil as the mainstay of their treatments.

The rose is a very special flower. Thousands of flowers are used to extract its essence and it remains the mainstay of Sufi essential oils.
Energy healers know that the essential oils have a very strong life-force (qi) that can influence the various energy systems in the body. Since certain plants have high levels of qi, they are more suitable to be used for healing.

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