Monday, October 30, 2006

Islam Karimov visits Bahauddin Nakshband memorial

Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Friday, May 19, 2006

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov is visiting
Bukhara region. On the second day of his visit, 19
May, the Uzbek leader visited the memorial complex of
Bahauddin Nakshband.

In the years of independence, large-scale work has
been carried out in the sphere spirituality,
enlightenment and education. Serious attention is paid
to perpetuation of the memory of great ancestors,
preservation and wide propaganda of their heritage.

Scientists are studying the heritage of Hadj Bahauddin
Nakshband, an outstanding thinker, famous
representative of Sufism, his invaluable contribution
to the world intellectual treasury, as well as the
effective application of this spiritual wealth in deed
of upbringing young generation.

Jubilees of Imam Buhari, Hadj Abduhalik Gijduvani, Abu
Mansur Maturidi, Burhonuddin Marginoniy were
celebrated widely on the initiative of the Uzbek
President. Centre of Memorial Complex of Bahauddin
Nakshband was created in 2004 on the basis of the
resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan.

Viewing the complex, the Uzbek head appreciated the
constructive work carried out in Bukhara for the years
of independence, and noted the necessity of increasing
orchards, looking after parks and flower gardens.

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