Sunday, October 22, 2006

Maverick at work!

By Jhumari Nigam-Misra - The Times of India
Thursday, May 11, 2006

If you thought it was only his hairstyle that stands out in a crowd, wait till you actually speak to Makrand Deshpande. He thinks, acts and lives differently.

An actor par excellence, a Sufi at heart and a nonconformist to the core, Deshpande happily lives in his own world of fantasy while life happens to him. And on rare occasions when someone wakes up this dreamer, he shares his love for life and more...

Destiny's will: I was a cricketer. In fact, there was a time when my parents got quite worried because I'd got into college through sports quota but I graduated as a dramatist!

There was a room next to my college gym from where you could hear all sorts of noises coming out throughout the day. I was curious so I inquired and found out about a group rehearsing for a play. Somebody asked me to take a chance and I did it. I guess I was destined to be here.

Stage talk: Theatre is my highest priority. I enjoy being a part of any healthy creation, be it through acting or directing, writing or singing. For me, life matters more than a character.

So I've never aspired to be an important figure or waited to be a 'kalakar'. I was happy being a 'seh-kalakar' also. I believe, the more you live or the way you live is the way you create. I only do work that gives me pleasure.

Filmi funda: One good thing about Bollywood is that once you are in it, you never go out. But my love for theatre has restricted me to make long commitments anywhere. Bollywood was a sweet serendipity to me. It has given me popularity, money and recognition.

I was always called a good luck actor and in fact Mukesh Bhatt actually calls me a 'lucky mascot'. I am just choosy about time and not a character. If I have time and need the money, I will surely do a film.

Love bytes: I do believe in 'love at first sight'. There is a chemistry that's like lightening. I can see a photo and feel that chemistry, but I can't explain it to you. Of course, I've fallen in love, but I don't have a follow-up theory in life. I have a time theory. If time and situation favours you, it will work.

Fixed image: You can't help it if people slot you. After all, who has the time to understand you? It doesn't bother me. People often perceive me as a serious actor, an intellect... and turn quiet on the sets, only to realise that I am the first one to have some masti.

Soul curry: I am a Sufi in my approach but also a doer. Any fantasy that I have, (I don't just dream about it...) I turn it into reality. I love to absorb life and then project it my way. Though a little moody, I am otherwise a calm, fun-loving and private person. I like to live life and not analyse it.

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