Monday, October 09, 2006

Radicalism and the construction of civilizations

By M Hilaly Basya - The Jakarta
Friday, March 10, 2006

The reconstruction of civilizations is meant to enable us to review the world-view of both Islam (the East) and the West. Some Western scholars have criticized and reconstructed the fundamentals of their civilization. The Post-modernist movement, represented by reconstructive thinkers such as Paul Ricouer, Gadamer, Fritchof Chapra, Gary Zukav, has made a significant contribution to that revision, but without a significant impact.

In Islam, we have to criticize "Islamic reason" (nalar Islam). It is meant as a deconstruction of "ancient reason" (nalar klasik), the epistemology that is used to construct Islamic teaching. Several prominent Islamic thinkers, such as Mohammad Abed Al-Jabiri, Mohammed Arkoun, Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd, Abdullahi Ahmed An-Naim, have promoted this movement. They have especially tried to reinterpret Islamic law, theology, Sufism and philosophy.

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