Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Ahmet Ozhan Sings for Kosovo

By Enis Tabak - Zaman Online - Istanbul, Turkey
Saturday, September 9, 2006

Ahmet Ozhan, one of Turkey’s leading Sufi and folk music singers, was welcomed by a massive audience in Kosovo.

Ozhan had been invited to Kosovo by the Istanbul Foundation.

He sang old and new songs from Turkish Sufi music, accompanied by a performance from the whirling dervishes.

Responding to journalists’ questions before the 4,000-person concert, Ozhan said: “We came here for our brothers to sing Sufi music along with our friends. I am happy to be here with the people of Kosovo. The country is undergoing a healing process. Although we have been away for some time, we want to enjoy being together now. It is a place that I have visited several times over the past 25 years.”

The presence of German soldiers of the KFOR Peace Force at the concert received much notice as well.

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