Tuesday, November 14, 2006

IslamExpo Festival in London

Iranian Cultural Heritage News Agency - Tehran,Iran
Wednesday, July 5, 2006

IslamExpo is the biggest Islamic cultural event ever happened in Europe, which will be held in Alexandra Palace in London from 6th to 9th of July this year. It is sponsored and supported by numerous organizations, associations and agencies and will be attended by speakers from 22 countries, from all religions including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism.

IslamExpo will provide a platform for a comprehensive discussion of matters such as cultural, ethnical, professional and ideological trends that are formed primary in the minds of people in today’s world.

According to Iran’s Embassy in Britain, IslamExpo will be held by participation of some organizations such as British Islamic Bank, Islamic Charity Organization, London’s Municipality, the interest-free section of HSBC Bank, and British Muslim Council.

IslamExpo Festival will consist of different sections including: theatre shows, exhibition of cultural products, seminars and lectures, film festival, provisional programme, music performance, and other family entertainment programs. Some 150 cultural institutions from Britain, the Middle Eastern countries, Australia, Asia, Europe and the United States will present their different cultural products in this festival.

With participating of the cultural department of Iran’s Embassy in London in IslamExpo festival, different aspects of Iranian rich cultural and artistic attractions such as handicrafts, books, films, pottery, painting, calligraphy, and enameling will be introduced by the Iranian team dispatched to London to participate in this program through holding exhibitions, workshops, screening movies, etc.

Persian ancient sports of Zoorkhaneh will also be performed by Iranian athletes during Saturday and Sunday at 14:30 London local time to introduce this ancient sport to the participants.

Some concerts will be performed by different Muslim groups and artists from different countries during IslamExpo festival including: Raihan group from Malaysia: Raihan means ‘fragrance of heaven’, Raihan group has toured the world spreading inspirational words of peace to all people including Muslims and non-Muslim; SHAAM from Britain: SHAAM is one of the leading exponents of Nasheed-Islamic songs in praise of God and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), singing in English, Arabic and Urdu; Omar Sammour from Palestine who is a solo artist of Palestinian and Greek descent and his influential lyrics and jaw-dropping beats have made him popular; Whirling Dervishes group from Netherlands: This traditional dance goes back to the 13th century. On December 17, Whirling Dervishes across the world celebrated the birth of Rumi, the mystic Persian poet, who founded Sufism; and Abdelkader Saadoun, the famous Algeria musician who has performed in several international festivals and programs so far.

According to IslamExpo headquarters, the programs try to give visitors a sense of the enormous talent that exists within Britain’s Muslim community. This is a vast and diverse exhibition which is participated by many organizations and features the beautiful work of a large number of Muslim artists.

IslamExpo is a non-profit organization based in the United Kingdom that has decided to enhance understanding of Islam in Britain and building bridges between the Muslim world and the west. For the realization of its mission, IslamExpo works in partnership with a host of high profile personalities and organizations both in Britain and across the world.

“This event, which we hope will become annual, is the first of its kind ever to take place in Britain and Europe and is thus historic in every sense of the word,” says IslamExpo in its announcement.

IslamExpo has defined its aims as follows: introducing the British public to Islam as a global culture and faith that spans continents, races and languages; shedding light over the Islamic civilization’s great achievements in the various fields of knowledge, from science to technology and from art to literature; creating stronger foundations for Muslims to understand their heritage and develop their identity as major pioneers of human civilization; combating the myths, misconceptions and misunderstandings of Islam; encouraging positive interaction between Muslims and the different races and cultures of British society, working towards a more open, tolerant and pluralistic Britain; and promoting multi-centralism as an enrichment of British identity.

Some 80 authors and experts from 22 countries will deliver lectures and discuss different subjects such as art, history, science, architecture, technology and politics during different seminars and lectures which will be held during IslamExpo festival. It is anticipated that some 40,000 individuals from different cities of Britain will participate in this festival.

Some of the topics which will be debated at IslamExpo seminars are include: “Democratic change in the Muslim world”; “Islam and the West: toward better relations”; “The origins of terrorism: Religious or Political?”

“IslamExpo will be an opportunity to build bridges between Britain and the Muslim world. Investment in Britain Conference is an important part of IslamExpo programme and will be a highlight of British Muslims’ commitment towards the prosperity of our nation,” says Mr. Anas Altikriti, director of IslamExpo.

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