Sunday, November 12, 2006

It's Story Time

Sacred Space - The Times of India - India
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

In Sufi circles, it is customary for students to soak themselves in stories, so that the internal dimensions may be unlocked by the teaching master as and when the candidate is judged ready for the experiences which they bring.
Idries Shah

We become who we are through the telling of the stories that aspire to truth. It is through the hearing of fables, myths, fairy tales, gossip — all manner of conversation — that we learn to be child and, ultimately, an adult. Deprive children of stories... and you leave them unscripted, anxious stutterers in their actions as in their words. Our status as heroes and heroines in our own narratives is so important that our entire personal identity must be understood in terms of the stories we hear and tell.
Leider & Shapiro

We are different at the end of a story because the soul has gone through a process during the telling, independent of its syntax and full understanding of its words.
James Hillman

(From Marguerite Theophil's Turtle Tales for Personal Growth.)

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