Friday, November 24, 2006

Love at the Zenith

Chords and Notes: Music Review - The Hindu - Hyderabad,India
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Sufi movement has become not only a commonly discussed concept these days, but also very popular in association with the music world. With any number of Sufi music albums coming out in the market at regular intervals, there is a wide range to choose from. But as in the case of any philosophy, the words are vitally important.

This offering from Mystica features Anandmurti Gurumaa, who has become well known for her discourses on spirituality and her albums of devotional music. In this album, perhaps keeping in mind the important of the verses themselves, she has not sung, but recited four selections from Rumi, the celebrated 13th Century mystic.

His poems of ecstasy, praising the Supreme as the Beloved and extolling the excruciating pain of longing that one would not trade for an ordinary existence, are loved the world over.

The album is divided into four sections: Ishq Ka Khanjar, Iltaja, Justaju and Kaun Hun Main. The first has a distinct Iranian touch, with flute and other traditional instruments.

The later tracks however sound more like `digital music', with electronic percussions, bass guitar and the like. This background does not quite cohere with the words. One can buy the album as an introduction to Rumi's verses in Urdu.

But for those who think of Sufi music as exemplified by the inimitable Abida Parveen, it would not be much of a temptation.

Love at the Zenith
Mystica Music, Rs.295

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