Saturday, November 25, 2006

The Sufi and the psychic healer

By Dr. Amir Farid Isahak - Malaysia Star - Malaysia
Sunday, August 27, 2006

I will share with you an interesting encounter I had with a psychic healer. Many years ago, my Sufi master asked me to see a famous local psychic healer. The healer asked me what my intention was, and I answered that I was only following my Sheikh’s orders. Then he said that many people had come to see him to learn, but most cannot pass the tests.

He then gave me a small piece of aluminum foil and asked me to write my mother’s name on it. I was asked to squeeze the foil into a small ball and hold it in my fist. He said that if it got too hot, then I could release it. But even before he could finish his sentence, I had to let go as it was unbearably hot. He was surprised.

Then he put the ball into a glass of water and recited certain verses. To my amazement, the ball whizzed at the bottom of the glass.

Then he proceeded to show me his powers. First I was asked to hold his hand, but each time I did, I got a powerful electric shock. He could turn on his electric current at will. He could break glass from a distance by focusing his mind! There are many other amazing feats he could do, but it is not proper for me to reveal all.

He gave me a rosary bead and instructed me to recite one of the Beautiful Names of God (al-Asma-ul Husna) after every morning prayer, and to report to him if and when I received the instructions from God. I did so, and after one week, I received the instructions, not while I was on my prayer mat, but while I was driving!

In the instructions, I was given certain knowledge about the nature of matter and quantum physics. So I promptly reported to the healer, and he confirmed that those were the right instructions. He said I was ready. I will leave the rest to your imagination. If I reveal too much, many of you will not believe me.

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