Monday, November 27, 2006

Sufism is Somalis brand of Islam

By Abdinur Ali Farah - Sudan Tribune - Sudan
Thursday, September 7, 2006

Somalis are 100% Moslems. Their brand of Islam is Sufism. A Somali journalist Bashir Goth compares Wahabism and Sufism. “Sufism, however, which was the Somali way of Islam and which Wahhabism condemns as a heresy, reaches out to the heart and good sense of all mankind without distinction. Instead of shunning all other faiths and branding them as bogus religions, Sufism sees all faiths as equally valid, following directly God’s words “whosesoever ye turn, there is the face of God.” Where Wahhabism sows hatred and rancor even among Moslems, Sufism preaches sulh-e kull (universal peace) and Mahabbat e-kull (universal love).”

The British and the Italian colonial administrators and the Vatican dotted the country with churches and church run orphanages and tried to convert as many Somalis as possible into Christianity. The American Mennonite mission built and administered some of the best schools in Somalia. Yet Islam prevailed in perfect harmony with Somali culture for 14 centuries in Somalia.

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