Thursday, November 16, 2006

Youm-e-Rehman Sahib observed

(INF) - Greater Kashmir - India
Saturday, July 15, 2006:

Srinagar, Kashmir: Thousands of people on Saturday paid tributes to great Sufi poet Rehman Sahib on his death anniversary of Jamallata here.

The devotees from various areas assembled at the Shrine of Rehman Sahib and offered Fateh. On the occasion the Intizamia Committee had organized a function to highlight the various aspects of Rehman Sahib’s poetry and his philosophy of brotherhood and amity.

Writers, intellectuals, poets and social workers spoke on the occasion and threw light on the life and poetry of Rehman Sahib.
Among others Director Information and Public Relations Kh. Farooq Ahmad Renzu was also present. In his speech he highlighted the essence of Sufi poetry giving special reference to Rehman Sahib. He said that Sufism symbolizes Kashmiriat which stands for tolerance, amity, brotherhood and submission to God. He said Sufi poetry is a medium to understand the philosophy of life and purifies human soul by giving it flight and guiding it towards the excellence and piety where it receives the blessings of on the wings of love for creatures of Almighty.

Others speakers and Intizamia committee members also spoke about the life and poetry of Rehman Sahib saying that since his death on June 15, 1973, today is first occasion when his day is being observed.

The spokesman while highlighting the high principals of Sufism and the contribution of Sufi poets in spreading the message of love and peace, they said that Kashmir commonly known as “Peervare” always stood for high values of humanism, brotherhood, communal harmony and peace.

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