Monday, December 18, 2006

Draft resolution on violating human rights in Iran adopted by UN General Assembly

Azeri Press Agency - Regnum - Moscow,Russia
Friday, November 24, 2006

UN General Assembly adopted a draft resolution on violating human rights in Iran initiated by Canada, European Union member-states and the USA.

70 states including Ukraine and Moldova, supported the resolution on Iran; 48 states including Azerbaijan opposed to its adoption; other 55 UN member-states abstained from voting. Torturing in Iran, discrimination of ethnic minorities, intimidation and persecution of political opponents, human rights activists, religious ‘dissidents,’ journalists, and NGOs’ representatives in Iran are stressed in the resolution.

Authors of the resolution paid attention to violating international norms in the process of administration of law in Iran, usage of cruel, inhuman or disgracing methods of treatment and punishment including such ones like flogging and amputation of extremities.

It is said in the document that the General Assembly expresses extreme concern about conducting mass public executions. Delegations called on Tehran to join the Convention against Torture and to put an end to impunity for violating human rights due to making responsible those guilty.

They called Iran to abolish public executions and to liquidate all forms of discrimination and force against women, as well as discrimination in accordance with religious, ethnic, and language signs. Tehran was recommended to refuse to oppress minorities, in particular, Arabs, Azeris, followers of Baha’i faith, Baluchi, Kurds, Christians, Jews, followers of Sufism and Sunnis.

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