Monday, December 18, 2006

Hafiz Saeed said promotion of Sufism is a White House agenda

Online - International News Network - Islamabad,Pakistan
Saturday, November 25, 2006

Ameer Jama’t-ud-Da’wah Hafiz Muhammad Saeed Friday said the directive for the formation of the Sufi Council in Pakistan and the sudden interest in the promotion of Sufism has originated at the White House.

He said this while addressing a congregation of thousands of men and women in his Khutbah during the Friday Prayer at Masjid Al Qadsia in Lahore.

He said that US wants to promote Sufism as a counter measure against Jihad. He said millions of dollars are being spent in the effort to divert Muslim attention towards Mausoleums and Mysticism. He said the US designs to advance Sufism and to duplicate Turkish secularism in Pakistan will never succeed.

"The recent passing of the so called Women’s Rights Bill in the National Assembly and the Senate was a just an exercise to please Bush", he added.

He further said that the US, after receiving a thorough beating in its military misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, is now seeking victory over Islam by promoting Sufism.

He said the Sufi Council patronized by Pervaiz Musharraf and headed by Chaudhry Shujaat is receiving its instructions and directives from Washington. "The enemies of Islam believe that Sufism is an all embracing religion whose members can be Muslims, Christians, Jews, or Hindus without distinction and it should be promoted to divert the attention of Muslim youth from jihad" he added.

He said Hinduism and Christianity had played a major role in the promotion of Sufism. He said Mysticism is also just another name for Sufism and the two are one and the same thing.

He said the Hindus and Christians had neglected their religious teachings and had sought spirituality in Mysticism by dissociating themselves from normal society and seeking solace in solitude and monasteries. Such dissociation from the day to day problems and escape from them gave rise to secularism.

He said that there is increasing interest in Islam among the people of the world due to the sacrifices of Muslims, and people are reverting and embracing Islam. "The enemies of Allah believe they have found a solution in the form of Sufism to lead people away from it and they are spending extensive amounts of funds for the purpose", he added.

He said there is an ongoing war between Islam and the West and as long as Muslims are eager to give sacrifices in the battles of this war. "The West will never succeed in its nefarious designs", he added.

Hafiz Saeed regretted that it was very unfortunate that the Muezzin was not allowed to call out Aazan and the people were not allowed to pray during Tony Blair’s visit to the Faisal Masjid. "The enemies are not as happy to receive a Guard of Honor as much as they are when Aazan and prayers are cancelled in their honor", he added.

He said the rulers should fear Allah’s wrath.

He said the Hudood Ordinance had never been enforced and was in suspension before the passage of the Women’s Rights Bill and now after the passage of the Bill from the National Assembly and the Senate, the rulers have tried to demonstrate their allegiance to Bush and to please him by inhibiting the Hudood Ordinance through legal means.

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