Saturday, December 23, 2006

"India Everywhere": Dancing India in Tokyo

By Divya Unny - Daily News & Analysis - Mumbai,India
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Shiamak Davar on his performance at the 'India Everywhere' campaign in Tokyo:

What is your performance all about?
I’m very privileged that I have been chosen as the cultural ambassador for the Indo-Japanese exchange. I will be performing with my troupe on December 14th in front of the Indian and Japanese prime ministers and it is truly an honour.

Have you put together something special for this performance?
I wish to promote modern Indian culture through my shows. I want to break through the image of India being only about classical dance and blend in many more elements. So, I have put together a fusion of Bollywood with other dance forms like Sufi and Katputli. We will also be performing a little Japanese dance number.

Do you think exchanges like these should happen more often?I performed at the World Economic Forum on a similar platform and I think it is hugely important for cultural exchange and growth of India as a nation. I’m glad that I am a part of it!

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