Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Design competition for SOI Sanctuary

Archined - Rotterdam,Zuid Holland,Netherlands
Monday, January 8, 2007

The Sufi Order International (SOI) has begun a design competition for the rebuilding of a sanctuary (burnt in 2003) located at the Abode of the Message, a residential community, retreat center, and headquarters of both the SOI offices and the Suluk Acadademy school of esoteric studies in New Lebanon (USA).

As the heart of the SOI community and physical symbol of its spiritual ideals, the sanctuary is intended to be a sacred site of meditation, ceremony, and communion with nature.

Designs should incorporate the remaining foundation, be open to the air, and harmonize with the surrounding mountain retreat site.

The winning design will be developed into plans for actual construction in Summer, 2007.
The Competition: To design an open-air sanctuary/temple to be used for meditation and ceremonies at a residential retreat center serving an international community.

Submission deadline is: February 5, 2007.
Full notice of competition: http://www.saffronjournal.org/universel/

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