Thursday, January 25, 2007

Return to the life of a good man

[From the French language press]:
C’est vendredi 12 janvier 2007, jour de reccueillement et de prières pour les musulmans du monde entier que Thierno Mountaga Tall, khalife de la famille omarienne a été rappelé à Dieu dans sa 92 ème année. - Dakar,Senegal - 13 Janvier, 2007

It was on Friday (January 12, 2007), a day of absorption and prayers for the Moslems of the whole world that Thierno Mountaga Tall, khalif of the Omarian family, was recalled to God in his 92nd year.

The disappearance of this spiritual guide, reference in the Tijani Brotherhood and beyond, plunges all the Moslems of Senegal in a deep sorrow.

The house of Thierno Mountaga bathed in a studious environment. Simply dressed and carrying broad glasses hiding a strong myopia, Thierno Mountaga left very seldom the Coran to which it referred unceasingly.

In spite of his close links with president Senghor, Thierno Mountaga always endeavoured not to give an opinion in the elections and the political life generally. However, he engaged intensively at the time of the fatal events Senegalo-Mauritanians of 1989 strongly standing by the victims of this conflict.

Available for faithfuls and parents often coming to request his intermediation, he intervened for the release of Abdourahim Agne, Jean Paul Diaz, and more recently in the case of Bara Tall.

Thierno Mountaga is the author of a book of two volumes on his grandfather El Hadji Omar Tall. The objective to build a large mosque in the honor of its grandfather was carried out.

Among the children of Thierno Mountaga Tall, the most known is Madani Tall.

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