Monday, January 08, 2007

Spirit in the Napa Valley retreat set

Community - St. Helena Star - St. Helena,CA,USA
Thursday, January 4, 2007

The Third annual Spirit in the Napa Valley community retreat will feature 12 workshops and keynote speaker Louise Franklin of the Center for Attitudinal Healing in Sausalito, in a day-long program on “Health, Healing and Spirituality” on Saturday, Feb. 10 at the Mt. La Salle, Christian Brothers Retreat Center, 4401 Redwood Road in Napa.

“This special day affords people the opportunity to step out of their busy lives, take a moment to rest and consider other possibilities of bringing new hope and meaning to their lives, ” said event organizer Yvonne Baginski, of the Napa Interfaith Council.

“We hope people will be uplifted with fresh insight and attainable goals for our future.”

Keynote speaker Franklin is the director of the Center for Attitudinal Healing, which works to bring about changes in attitude through love and forgiveness. The Center was founded by author and psychiatrist Dr. Gerry Jampolsky who is best known for his book “Love is Letting Go of Fear.”

Franklin will speak on the “Healing Truth of Love and Foregiveness, “ as well as present a workshop on “Attitudinal Healing: Practical Spirituality.”

Other workshops offered in the morning include:
“Healing Through the Senses,” by Doreen Leighton, R.N. of Unity Church of Napa,

“Sufism: Alchemy of Tranquility,” by Arthur Scott Kane, Ph.D., of Dominican University,

“Health, Healing and the Holy Spirit,” by Gary Snethen, Ph.D,

“Hidden Gifts for Healing Our Spirits: Working Together to Find the Transformative Possibilities in our Nighttime Dreams,” by author Dr. Jeremy Taylor, of the Unitarian Universalist Church,

and “Spiritual Transformation” by Dr. Ellen Hammerle of the Community Healing Center.

Afternoon sessions include, “Sparking Creativity in Healing Personal Trauma,” by psychotherapist Terri Linn, “Love First,” by author Judy Caitlin-Brown, “Tending the Holy, the Practice of Spiritual Direction,” by Rev. Doug Monroe of the First United Methodist Church and a Healing Circle by the Bodhi Tree Collective.

There will also sessions on alternative healing methods, including Body Talk, shaitsu massage, movement, meditation, and other forms of energy medicine.

Registration for the day, including lunch is $50 in advance, $65 at the door. Space is limited, so early registration is encouraged.

A complete brochure of sessions is available through the Napa Interfaith Council, (707)226-7127

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