Sunday, January 28, 2007

“Spirit of Fez” fights on several cultural fronts

[From the French language press]:

La Fondation «Esprit de Fès» se bat sur plusieurs fronts, culturels bien entendu.
Quoi que le festival des musiques sacrées de Fès demeure son cheval de bataille, d' autres rendez-vous hauts en couleurs font partie des activités de cette entité créée pour dynamiser la culture dans la ville mythique.

Al Bayane - Casablanca,Maroc - Jeudi18 Janvier, 2007 - par S. Alaoui

The Foundation “Spirit of Fez” fights on several fronts, cultural of course. While the Festival of World Sacred Music in Fez remains its warhorse, many other activities spring from this entity created to dynamize the culture in the mythical city.

The Foundation “Spirit of Fez” held Monday [January the 15th] a conference in Casablanca to raise the veil on the activities that it intends to realize within year 2007.

This year' Sacred Music festival will have as theme "Blow of times, spirit of places" and will feature, among others, American artist Barbara Hendricks, the Sufi Iranian group Dastan d'Iran, and the enthralling Turkish flutist Kudsi Erguner.

As for the other activities of the Foundation, the list is long. It includes the Festival of Madhi and Samaa (10th edition, in September) and the festival of the Art of cooking (4th edition, 25th-28th October).

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