Monday, January 01, 2007

Sufism can play a meaningful role

By APP Associated Press Pakistan - Islamabad, Pakistan
Monday, January 1, 2007
Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz said that Pakistan is making all out efforts to promote interfaith, intercultural and inter-civilization harmony to bridge the growing divide between various faiths and belief systems.
The Prime Minister said this yesterday while talking to Shaykh Fazlolla Haeri a renowned scholar and spiritual authority based in England.

The Prime Minister said there is an urgent need to redouble efforts to promote the spirit of brotherhood and tolerance at a global level as misperceptions and divide between religions are growing instead of decreasing especially after the unfortunate events of 9/11.
The Prime Minister said that Islam is a religion of peace, love and brotherhood and accords full respect to all faiths and their adherents. He said that genuine peace in the world cannot be achieved without religious harmony and understanding amongst the adherents of different faiths.
He said there is a need to project Islam in its true light as many misconceptions about it abound especially in the West.
Shaykh Fazlolla Haeri said that Sufism can play a meaningful role in plugging the divide amongst the believers of different faith.
This, he said, can be done by emphasizing the meeting points, convergences, and commonalities amongst different faiths without compromising the core and crux of one’s faith. He appreciated the endeavors being made by Pakistan in projecting Islam in its true prospective and said it will help promote international harmony and understanding.
He said that President Pervez Musharraf’s concept of enlightened moderation which encapsulates the essence of Islam can go a long way in projecting the true image of Islam and promoting global harmony.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Visit the site:

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    Column-I Written by Dr. Darshan Singh Ashat

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    A Dream Year -Punjabi Literature in 2004

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