Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Abida Parveen to deliver lecture on Spiritualism at AK varsity

APP associated Press of Pakistan
Monday, February 12, 2007

Abida Parveen, internationally acclaimed singer of Pakistan - known for sufi renditions, will be the guest speaker at the Aga Khan University on Wednesday [tomorrow, February 14th].

An AKU press release issued here [Karachi] Monday said Abida Parveen has been invited under its special lecture series and will make her presentation on " Spiritualism."

The singer, who has been associated most widely with the verse of Sufi Master Shah Abdul Latif, has also sung the verses of other Sufis including Amir Khusrau, Bulleh Shah, Sachal Sarmast, Sultan Bahu, Kabir and Waris Shah.

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