Tuesday, February 06, 2007

A patch of Persia in Rome

[From the Italian language press]:

Libreria Nima specializzata in testi orientali: qui, in via Circonvallazione Nomentana, a due passi dalla stazione Tiburtina, un architetto iraniano ha aperto -14 anni fa - un negozio che porta a Roma un pezzetto di Persia.

Roma One, Rome (Italy) - mercoledì 31 gennaio 2007 - di Egilde Verì

"Nima" is a bookshop specializing in Oriental texts: here, in via Circonvallazione Nomentana, nearby the Tiburtina railway station, an Iranian architect opened -14 years ago- a bookshop that brings in Rome a tiny patch of Persia.

What kind of books can be found on the shelves? There are titles in Arab, Persian, Turk, Albanian: books of poetry, novels, religious books, and many others, both in their original language as well as translated into Italian.

There is also an "ancient novelty": the "Mathnawi", the Italian translation of the complete work of the great Sufi master Gialalu'd-Din Rumi [d.1273 A.D.].

At "Nima" can be found also giants of Italian literature such as Calvino, Pirandello and Dario Fo, translated into Persian. And, of course, the entire work of Dante [d. 1321 A.D.] if you want to hear how does it sound in Persian "Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita"...
See the catalog of Sufi books at www.librerianima.com

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