Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sufism: a "ferryman" across religions and cultures

[From the French language press]: Les 4-èmes rencontres "Printemps de la poésie de Marrakech" auront lieu du 19 au 24 mars prochain dans la cité ocre.
Menara - Marrakech, Maroc - Mardi, 6 Février 2007

The 4th meeting “Spring of the poetry of Marrakech” will take place March 19th through March 24th in the ochre city.

“The Sufism, heart of Islam” is the traveling exhibition which will be held in Marrakech from March 2 to March 22, on the initiative of the Institute of the Arab World. Touring several Moroccan cities (Agadir, Casablanca, Reduction, Kenitra, Fès, Oujda) in the French Centers, this exhibition wants to be an occasion for the presentation of Sufism and the great Masters who marked out its history.

This exhibition draws its importance owing to the fact that Sufism, which "plays the part of a ferryman" across religions and cultures, does not cease attracting a growing number of Westerners.

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