Thursday, March 29, 2007

10th Mawlid Festival in Paris

[From the French language press]:

10e Festival du Mawlid, dimanche prochain à Paris. Le dixième Festival du Mawlid, célébrant la naissance du Prophète Sidna Mohammed (paix et salut sur Lui), sera organisé dimanche prochain à Paris par "l'Association internationale soufie alawiya" (Aisa) et l'Association "Terres d'Europe".

par MAP - Le Matin; Casablanca, Maroc - lundi 26 mars 2007

10th Festival of Mawlid, next Sunday in Paris. The tenth Festival of Mawlid, celebrating the birth of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (peace and blessings upon Him), will be organized next Sunday in Paris by the “Alawiya International Sufi Association ” (AISA) and Association “Grounds of Europe”.

In preamble with this Festival, the two associations will organize on Thursday [March 29] at the Institute of the Arab World in Paris, a conference entitled: “Mawlid in Islam: forms and uses of a rite”.

The role of AISA is to work for a better knowledge of Sufism which is a vector of spirituality and peace.

[About the Mawlid Festival 9th edition, see also: (]

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