Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Abd al-Malik in Geneva

[From the French language press]:
Sur scène, contrebasse, percussions, batterie, platines et piano s'emmêlent aux bons mots.
En attendant son passage au festival Voix de Fête, mercredi 21 mars, une rencontre avec Abd al Malik, fils d'Allah et de Jacques Brel, s'imposait.

La religion, pour vous, c'est quoi?
Ma religion, c'est le soufisme. Ça n'est pas une branche de l'Islam, mais le cœur.

Tribune de Genéve, Genéve, Suisse - mardi le 13 mars, 2007 - par Fabrice Gottraux

On stage, double bass, percussions, battery, cymbals and piano are mixed with good words. While waiting for his show at the Festival Voix de Fête, Wednesday March 21, in Geneva, Switzerland, a meeting with Abd al-Malik, son of Allah and Jacques Brel, was mandatory.

What is for you, religion?
My religion is Sufism. It is not a branch of Islam, but the heart.

Today one deals with a caricature of this religion. Whereas true spirituality makes it possible the opening toward the other. There is a confusion: one speaks about a political vision of things, whereas spirituality cannot be political. Because on September 11, it is important to specify that I am a sufi. If not, I would have not revealed it. Religion is about Intimacy.

The Arts are about imitating true life. In this case, isn't it God the artist par excellence?
What I do is like a collection of tales. I wanted to be a living Sampler which passes from the song and the text, as it was done in the hip-hop and soul. I remain a rapper. I like Kanye West or Mos Def. But also Jacques Brel.

Did Brel inspire you much?
It is an important model. It had an incredible writing, with such a feeling of simplicity.

This infatuation of the public for slam, where does it come from?
It is a return to the verb. The word stripped of anything else has an incredible strength.

[For place, program and prices: http://www.voixdefete.com/pages/me_21_marspag.html]

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