Wednesday, March 28, 2007

AKMICA goes to Parma

[From the Italian language press]:

Musiche dalle Corti d’Oriente: suoni e suggestioni dal patrimonio culturale dell’Asia Centrale dal 30 marzo al 1° aprile 2007 al Teatro Regio di Parma

Amadeus Online - domenica 25 marzo 2007 - CS

Music from the Eastern Courts: sounds and emotions from Central Asia cultural heritage at the Royal Theatre (Teatro Regio) in the city of Parma;
from March the 30th to April the 1st .

Three days of extraordinary concerts will mark the opening of the exhibition "Splendori a Corte", arts and crafts from the Islamic world in the Collection of the Aga Khan at Palazzo della Pilotta, Parma. The exhibition will be open from March 31st to June 3rd.

Music and musicians have historically played a vital role in the cultures of Central Eurasia and the Middle East. Music traditionally served not only as entertainment, but as a way to reinforce social and moral values, and musicians provided models of exemplary leadership.

In 2000, recognition of this important role led His Highness the Aga Khan to establish the Aga Khan Music Initiative in Central Asia (AKMICA) with the aim of assisting in the preservation of Central Asia's musical heritage by ensuring its transmission to a new generation of artists and audiences. AKMICA is part of AKDN, the Aga Khan Development Network.

Among the groups that will perform in Parma, the "Ensemble Badakhshan": Aqnazar Alovatov, vocalist; Sahiba Davlatshaeva, dancer; Shodikhan Mabatkulov, daf percussionist; with a repertoire of spiritual islamic songs (Maddahis) built upon texts from Jalal al din Rûmi, the 13th century great sufi poet.

[More on the exhibition and concerts:
More on AKDN Aga Khan Development Network:
Full article in Italian, with program, groups description and instruments: click on the title above]

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