Friday, March 09, 2007

Conference and Seminary in Granada on Sufism

From the Spanish press

Conferencia y seminario sobre Sufismo en Granada


El maestro sufí alemán Hussein Abdul Fattah dará un conferencia en el Carmen de la Victoria de Granada el día 14 de Marzo, y desde el 16 al 18 de marzo en la Puebla de Don Fadrique, seminario sobre la actualidad del sufismo. Jornadas abiertas sin diferencias entre credos para explicar un Islam tradicional como lo fue el andalusí.

The German Sufi teacher, Hussein Abdul Fattah, will be giving a conference at Carmen of the Victory in Granada on the 14th of March. From the 16th to the 18th of March he will be leading a seminar at Puebla de Don Fadrique on the current situation of Sufism. These will be open days without differences between creeds to explain traditional Islam as it was in Al-Andalus.

As a Sufi intellectual, Stefan Makowsky (Hussayn Abdul Fattah) has a wide curriculum. Influential Muslim organizations such as the Islamic World Congress and the Islamic World League recognize him internationally for his spiritual capacity and his religious and sociocultural knowledge.

Conference Programme

- 18:00 hrs.: Conference begins

- Reception with Andalusian tea and pastries

- Concert with strings and percussion

- Canticles from the Diwan Andalusia

- Dhikr and dance

- Quranic recitation and talks on spiritual teachings

The seminary will be at the Alqueria de Rosales, at Puebla de Don Fadrique, Granada (Andalusia). The full programme can be found at this link.

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