Saturday, March 17, 2007

Life in colour

By Parul - Express India - Chandigarh, India
Friday, March 16, 2007

The elements change, so do colours, but your basic personality reflects in your work, I have a distinct style, which is so easily recognizable, see them anywhere and you know these are my paintings and drawings,’’ says Madan Lal, who recently held a show of his works, Celebration in Colour in Delhi.

A painter, who is also a poet, the Sufi intent is clearly visible on Madan’s canvas.
“Sufi poets use complex symbolic expression, their poetry is composed in lyrical forms, set to the tunes of local folk music. Their mission is to reach the hearts of ordinary men and women. My works are about such ordinary men and women,’’ explains the painter.

In his works abstract and reality blend beautifully and the canvas is clear and bright, yet, lot is left to the imagination of the viewer.

Life’s a journey and Madan has depicted it delicately and mystically in these works. “The idea behind each exhibition is to give something fresh and explore new possibilities and experiment.

I like making use of many possibilities and with my colours I create washes, transparent effects, a matte look, but ultimately it’s the feeling in your work that matters the most, and it also reflects,’’ smiles Madan, all set to create something spectacular for another group show.

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