Saturday, March 17, 2007

Questions of a Searching Heart

PR Web - Ferndale, WA, U.S.A.
Friday, March 16, 2007

Not revelation, but the accent, the flavor of revelation, this commentary, called Sufi, by author Sharon Marcus, offers a description or analysis of the mysteries at the heart of Sufi experience.

Says Marcus, "The true study of Sufism does not begin in a book or in scholarly investigations because this is an inner pursuit, a path which lies within that must be examined experientially by anyone who has a hunger to know what must be known, and that translated means a hunger for God and His truth."

The book contemplates the soul from the human perspective leading to an awareness that we came from God, and are mirrors of His light which will be reflected back into Him one day.
Marcus speaks of our obligations because of this divine origin, this connection and destiny -- "As reflections of a formless power," says Marcus, "we must manifest in what we do, what we think, what we say, what we believe."

The book shows how studying and acquiring His attributes brings about a transformation.

Book Statistics ISBN(s):
Retail Price(s): $26.95 CDN * $ 24.95 USD
Size and Format(s): 5.5 x 8.5 paperback
Page count: 433
Publication Date: 2006
Availability: Chapters/,

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