Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Silk road: Uzbekistan

[From the Italian language press]:

La via della seta: Uzbekistan, la magia di un luogo fantastico
La Golden Age University ( libera università lombarda/Unigold), in collaborazione con la Fondazione Europea Dragan e con il Centro Unesco di Milano hanno organizzato il 19 febbraio una conferenza sulle città della via della seta: Samarcanda e Bukhara.

La Voce d'Italia - lunedì 19 febbraio - di Loredana Grandi

Silk road: Uzbekistan, the magic of a fantastic place.
The Golden Age University (Free University of Lombardy/Unigold), in collaboration with the European Foundation Dragan and the Unesco Center of Milan organized on February 19th a conference on the cities of the silk road: Samarkand and Bukhara.

Reported Roberto Cossu, orientalist, accompanied by a beautiful photographic service edited by Astrid Angehrn.

Bukhara has been for centuries one of the main cities of the Transoxiana and still preserves some impressive monuments like the famous Lyab-i Hauz ensemble (caravanserai) with the two religious edifices built by Nadir Divan-Begi around 1620 CE: the Sufi khanqah or lodging house and place for meetings for itinerant mystics sufis, and the madrasa or religious school.

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