Thursday, March 01, 2007

Spreading the Magic among Children

Staff report - Sahara Samay - Noida, India
Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Noted Sufi singer Zila Khan left the audiences at the New Delhi's Fountain Lawns spell-bound with her mystical performance.

The Zakir Hussein College along with Asia project organised the programme entitled 'Cultural Diversity Across borders in South Asia' at the India International Centre for the spread of cultural Sufi music.

The programme aimed at spreading the magic of Sufi music among children. Khan, who is the 7th generation of an unbroken line in 'Gharana' style, likes to sing authentic and oldest forms of 'sufiana' music during her performances in order to protect the age-old tradition from fading away.

[from Wiki: In Hindustani music, a gharānā is a system of social organization which groups musicians who are linked by lineage and/or apprenticeship and who adhere to a particular musical style.]

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