Sunday, April 08, 2007

Annual Sufism Symposium IAS 2007

Sufism and the World Crisis
is the Annual Sufism Symposium organized by the International Association of Sufism
to be held in Philadelphia (PA, U.S.A.)
Friday - Sunday, May 18 - May 20
Note: discounted early registration ends April 10!

The Symposium will include variety of lectures, workshops, music, poetry reading, evening dhikr, meditation and more; and exhibition of publications, productions ad artworks.

This year topics will include:
Sufi Teachings and Social Responsibility
Sufism: Illumination, Hope, and Service
Sufi Teachings and Social Justice
and of course: Sufism and the World Crisis

For full informations and registration, click on the title above or:

IAS, International Organization of Sufism, is a non-profit United Nations NGO founded in 1983 by Seyedeh Dr. Nahid Angha and Shah Nazar Seyed Dr. Ali Kianfar.

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