Tuesday, April 10, 2007

El Hadj Malick Sy

[From the French language press]:

Serviteur infaticable de l'Islam, El Hadj Malick Sy, né en 1855 à Gaya, Sénégal, a lié son nom au Maouloud (célébration de la naissance du Prophète Mouhammad, Paix Salut et Bénédictions sur lui) dont il fut l'un des tout premiers organisateurs au Sénégal.

Le Soleil, Sénégal - vendredi le 30 mars 2007 - par Cheikh Tidiane Ndiaye (APS)

A tireless servant of Islam, El Hadj Malick Sy, born year 1855 in Gaya, Senegal, tied his name to the Mawlid (the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Mohamed, peace and blessings upon him), of which he was, in Senegal, among the very first organizers.

Deeply immersed into Quranic studies since his youth, El Hadj Malick Sy joined the tariqa Tidjaniya through his uncle Alpha Mayoro Wélé, a disciple of El Hadj Omar Tall.

He expounded his principles in the book "Ifham-Ul-Munkir-Il-Jani" (The silenced Kafir) and put the theory into practice by opening numerous Quranic schools throughout Senegal.

He introduced the practice of collective wazifa (the repetition of the Names of Allah) morning and evening, deepening the popular character of his Tariqa.

In 1889 he made a memorable pilgrimage to the Mecca.

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