Monday, April 30, 2007

Fez: An Intimate Atmosphere

[From the French language press]:

Les prières élevées et les poèmes soufis chantés en occasion de la première soirée du Festival de Fés de la culture soufie, soirée dédiée à la mémoire de feu SM. Hassan II, ont fasciné le public pour l'installer dans une atmosphère recueillie., Maroc - dimanche 29 avril 2007 - par MAP

The high prayers and the sufi poems sung on the first evening of the Fez Festival of Sufi culture, evening dedicated to the memory of the late HM Hassan II, fascinated the public and installed it in an intimate atmosphere.

The two giants artists, Abdelfettah Bennis (disciple of haj Abdelkrim Raïss and Massano Tazi) and the Syrian Hassan Haffar (muezzin in Alep but also storyteller and poet) were faithful to the sufi way joining together a cosmopolitan audience of different confessions as well as artists and men from culture in search of discovery, learning and spiritual meditation.

Placed under the high patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, this first edition of the sufi event will continue in several prestigious sites in Fez - such as the Mokri Palace, the Quaraouyine Library and the Madrassa [religious school] Bouanania - until Wednesday, May 2nd.

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