Wednesday, April 25, 2007

International Conference on “Tijaniya” in Fez

Un colloque international sur la Tidjania s’ouvre le 3 mai prochain à Fès, au Maroc, sur le thème «La Tidjania dans la société d’aujourd’hui ». [From the French language press]

APS/Le Soleil, Sénégal - mercredi 25 avril 2007

An international conference about tariqa Tijaniya opens on Thursday, May the 3rd, in Fez, Morocco, on the topic “Tijaniya in today's society”.

The conference will be opened by Shaykh Sherif Brahim Khalil Tidjani, grandson of Sheik Ahmed Tidjani (Ra) and by Dariyatoul Al Anfass, and animated by "eminent specialists from several countries" -so goes the press release.

"Orientalists' scholarly studies on tariqa Tijaniya" and “The position of the Tijani Masters vis-a-vis radical extremism” are the two main streams within the conference which will be at its fifth session.

The conference will be coupled with the first Fez Festival of Sufi culture, which will be held from April 27th to May 2nd, on the initiative of Mr. Faouzi Skali.

[picture: Entrance to the Zaouiya el Koubra in Fez, Morocco - photo from]

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