Saturday, April 21, 2007

Moussa Traoré on the Sufi Path

[From the French language press]:

Les fidèles musulmans ont célébré le samedi 31 mars dernier la naissance du Pro­phète Mohamed (PSL). Comme à l'accou­tumée, la communauté musulmane des Soufis du Mali a commémoré avec éclat cette fête.

Mali en ligne, Mali - samedi 14 avril 2007 - par Alou Badra Haidara

The faithful Moslems celebrated last Saturday March 31 the birth of the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh). As usual, the Moslem community of Sufis of Mali commemorated this festival with glare.

In the night of Friday 30, 31 March, the spiritual guide, Sufi Shaykh Grand Shaykh Bilal, animated a great sermon in the large Zawiya [lodge] of Djicoroni-Para.

Guest of honor of the evening was General Moussa Traoré, former President of the Republic of Mali, which was accompanied for the circumstance by his son Idrissa.

Religion is not only the reading of the Holy Quran or the sermon, it is also sport and culture. Reason for which the Moslem community of Sufis of Mali organizes, at the time of each Mawlid, one week full of events such as martial arts, readings of poetry, singing, reciting and sketches of theatre.
Delegations from Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo and Guinea attended this year's Mawlid' week festival.
The week ended with the ceremony of awards (first prize won by the Zawiya of Lomé, Togo) and the blessings of Grand Shaykh Bilal.

[picture: Mr Moussa Traoré, former President of the Republic of Mali, now a pious muslim sufi]

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