Sunday, April 29, 2007

Sacred: Against All Forms of Extremism

[From the French language press]:

L'exposition de rares textes saints et manuscrits des trois religions monothéistes, qu'abrite la capitale britannique du 26 avril au 23 septembre prochain, représente un témoignage important contre toutes les formes d'extrémisme, a indiqué mercredi l'ambassadeur du Maroc en Grande-Bretagne, Mohamed Belmahi.

Le Matin, Casablanca, Maroc - jeudi 26 avril 2007 - par MAP

The exhibition of rare holy and handwritten texts of the three monotheistic religions , which the British capital shelters from April 26th to September 23rd, represents an important testimony against all forms of extremism, indicated Wednesday the ambassador of Morocco in Great Britain, H.E. Mr Mohamed Belmahi.

Mr Driss Ouaouicha, secretary general of the MBS [Moroccan-British Sociaty] indicated that the exposure represents the crowning of an over two years long work of coordination between the MBS and the British Library.

For Mrs Nadia Rzini, a specialist in the history of Islamic art, the London's exhibition represents a single opportunity for the public to have an idea on the Moroccan manuscripts in a more global context.

The influence of Moroccan calligraphic art extended far beyond the borders of Morocco, she said, quoting in this respect the famous manuscript “Dalail Al-Kahyrate” of the Moroccan sufi Sidi Ben Slimane Jazouli, who lived in Marrakesh in the 16th century.

Copies of this manuscript which is about the life of the Prophet Sidna Mohammed (pbuh), are preserved in countries as many and as far as Turkey, China, India or Singapore, she said.

*Sacred*, an exhibition in London, at the British Library

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