Friday, April 13, 2007

Swiss festival revolving around *The Conference of the Birds*

Tribune de Genève - Genève, Switzerland
Tuesday, April 10, 2007

For the past 43 years, the municipality of Carouge, in Geneva, has held a multi-media arts festival every spring. This year, the 2007 edition of the “printemps carougeois” is entirely dedicated to the famous 13th century Persian poem The Conference of the Birds.

The famous poem, by Farid ud-Din Attar [d. ca. 1220 A.D.], tells the story of 30 birds, led on a journey by a hoopoe. The book is an allegory of a Sufi master leading his pupils to enlightenment.

The city of Carouge has used the poem to link a number of exhibitions, performances, recitals, films and activities during the April 16-May 6 festival. The Carouge museum, for example, is launching an exhibition of fans made from bird feathers or with a bird theme.

The free exhibition of fans, culled from various European art collections, runs from April 17 to Sept. 9. Guided visits in French are scheduled for May 8 and 20, with various talks offered on May 6. (For more information phone 022 342 33 83 or email:

Carouge’s municipal library (2 bis bd. Des Promenades) is mounting an exhibition of books about, or based on, The Conference of Birds from April 16 to May 6.

Readings of the poem are planned at 7 p.m. on April 23 and 30.

The Galerie Delafontaine (24, rue Jacques-Dalphin) has invited artists and local personalities, including politicians, to draw a picture of a bird. The results will be displayed from April 20 to May 6, from 2 to 6 p.m.

Outdoor lunchtime concerts are planned on Mondays and Wednesdays from April 18 to May 6 at various locations, including the gardens of the Carouge museum and the forecourt of the Carouge theatre.

Other attractions include a Persian opera, mime theatre and a children’s workshop for building flying objects (2 to 5 p.m. on May 2 at the Centre de Loisirs, 31 rue Jacques-Grosselin).

Tickets for the entire festival cost SFr70 for adults and SFr40 for children, students, apprentices and seniors. Tickets are available from Geneva’s mairie (town hall), 14 place du Marché. Take Tram line 12 or 13, or buses 11 and 21 to reach Carouge.
Further information, including a complete program, is available at

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