Monday, April 16, 2007

Tidjania Mawlid in Burkina Faso

[From the French language press]:

La confrérie Tidjania au Burkina, vient de célebrer l'anniversaire du Prophète Mohamed (saw) à Ramatoulaye, sous les auspices du Cheick Aboubacar Maïga II.

L'Observateur Paalga, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso/All Africa - mercredi 4 avril 2007 - par Mahamadi Tiégna

The Tidjania sufi brotherhood of Burkina Faso has celebrated the anniversary of the Prophet (pbuh) in Ramatoulaye, with the presence of the Shaykh Aboubacar Maïga II.

The crowd has swept up Ramatoulaye, and the horde of the faithfuls - assembled for the 83rd time since 1923 - had but one wish : to touch the hand of the Shaykh and to kneel down on the shrine of his predecessors, to pray and to express the deep desires of their heart.

Many were the talks about sufism, about how sufism is a factor for drawing people near to each other.

The Tidjania brotherhood commends humility and not-interference.

But trade is also important in Mawlid , and many return home with both blessings and cereals, small animals and handicraft; and everything on sale is halal (permitted according to Islam).

Among the participants, His Excellency Seid Ali Riza Nikou Nian; the Shaykh Salawati from Tamalé, Ghana; Jacob Ouédraogo, governor of the region of Center-West; Sidi Mohamed Maïga, the younger brother of Shaykh Aboubacar and a member of the organizing committee, and many others.

To organize the Mawlid is extremely expensive, but this has not scared the organizers.

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