Friday, April 06, 2007

The two wings of the Sufi

[From the French language press]:

Le monde dans lequel nous vivons est rempli d’injustice sociale et de contradictions qui mettent en cause le modèle socio-économique adopté et les politiques en place. Chaque projet doit avoir une dimension humaine pour qu’il puisse réussir sur la longue durée. La notion d’utilité temporaire ou de plaisir temporaire est le moteur du modèle actuel qui fait de nous des consommateurs dépourvus de raison et de sagesse.

El Kalam - Pau, France - par Equipe Saveurs Soufies
mardi le 27 mars 2007

The world in which we live is filled with social injustice and contradictions who challenge the socio-economic model adopted and the policies in place. Each project must have a human dimension so that it can succeed over the long duration. The concept of temporary utility or temporary pleasure is the engine of the current model which makes of us consumers deprived of reason and wisdom.

The golden rule in Sufism is: to think long term, while forgiving, while working for peace, by liking each other, by respecting life and nature (because they are the sacred deposits of God)…

For that the Sufis have two wings: the abundant invocation of God (Dhikr) and the company of the alive master who ensures instruction and assistance. The key of a durable development is undoubtedly lasting peace: lasting peace passes initially by interior peace (within oneself): "As-sakîna".

This peace can be obtained only through the abundant invocation of the Lord: through Dhikr and through the company of the people of Dhikr.

The Sufis say: "my body is in the factory, but my heart is with the Master" or: "the money dwells into the pocket but Allah alone dwells into the heart".

Also visit: of the Tariqa Qadiriya Boutchichiya

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