Friday, May 04, 2007

The Curtain Drops On a Masterstroke

[From the French language press]:

Le Festival de Fès de la culture soufie est teminé mercredi le deux de mai avec le concert -qui a fait le plein- du rappeur spirituel Abd al-Malik. Ce dernier, qui a trouvé sa voie grâce au soufisme après une phase d’errance (délinquance, drogue), se veut comme un ambassadeur des oubliés du surplus urbain.

L'Economiste, Maroc - jeudi 3 mai 2007 - par Youness Saad Alami

The Fez Festival of Sufi culture ended on Wednesday, May 2nd, with a jam packed concert of the noted spiritual rapper Abd al-Malik. A musician who found in Sufism his way out of drugs and juvenile delinquency, he is now an ambassador of the slum dwellers forgotten ones.

Public, journalists, writers, professors, all agree: this [first edition of the festival] was a masterstroke.

The Fez Festival of Sufi culture made it possible not only to discover a spiritual and artistic inheritance of exceptional richness but also to open a reflexion on what could be the contribution of this inheritance in the middle of the contemporary Moroccan society.

Moreover, the Forum, chaired by Katherine Marshall*, who went on throughout the festival at the Madrassa Bouanania, has been itself a clear success.
The rehabilitation of the “zaouïyas” is from now on a priority. This project, in partnership with the Council of the City, will require not less than 4 million DH [487,427.00 USD]. When completed it will bring the visitors of Fez -the spiritual ciy of Morocco- through a circuit of “ziyarate” (visits) of saints and sanctuaries.
In this respect, a programme of lodging at the inhabitant is implemented by the regional Council of tourism. Already 10 houses were selected for the operation.

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