Monday, June 04, 2007

"Blow of Times, Spirit of Places"

[From the French language press]:

Réunis au 13e Festival des musiques sacrées du monde à Fès (Maroc), des intellectuels et artistes venus de différents pays ont critiqué "la mondialisation débridée" et appelé au respect de la diversité culturelle.

Yenoo Maroc - Tanger, Maroc - dimanche 3 juin 2007

Gathered at the 13th Festival of World Sacred Music in Fez (Morocco), intellectuals and artists from various countries criticized "the unbridled globalization" and called for respect of cultural differences.

The festival, which opened Friday under the topic “Blows of time, spirit of the places” will continue until June 9th.

In a message read by a member of the royal cabinet, HRH the King Mohammed VI affirmed that “modernity stripped of sacred risks to change into sacred without soul”.

Some 35 orchestras and groups continue to animate Fez, while the city prepares to pay homage to the mystical Muslim poet Rumi, born 800 years ago.

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