Saturday, June 23, 2007

On Rumi: Day-long Event in Canada

PR release/Guelph Tribune - Guelph, ON, Canada
Friday, June 22, 2007

Persian Mystic honoured in Guelph, ON, Canada

The 800th year since the birth of Rumi, a Persian Sufi mystic and a poet still popular today, will be marked at a day-long event on Saturday June 30 at the River Run Centre.

Guelph's Sacred Wisdom Centre has organized the event called Soul on Fire: Passion and Poetry of Rumi as part of worldwide celebrations during UNESCO's 2007 "International Year of Rumi".

Coleman Barks will read from his own translations of Rumi poetry from 7:30-9:30 p.m., accompanied by cellist David Darling and Indian drummer Marcus Wise.

Barks has produced 18 volumes of Rumi's translated works, with The Essential Rumi selling more than half a million copies worldwide.

Before that, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Rumi translator and spirituality book author Andrew Harvey will lead an experiential workshop on Rumi's passion and wisdom.

Guelph artist Goldie Sherman has produced a pottery collection honouring Rumi's works specifically for the event.

Canadian filmmaker Tina Petrova will also show her film Rumi - Turning Ecstatic.

For ticket information on the event, which ends with a cocktail reception, call the River Run box office at 519-763-3000 or visit
[pictures -from left to right: Marcus Wise, David Darling, Andrew Harvey, Coleman Barks]

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