Saturday, June 30, 2007

Second Day of the Tijaniyya Meeting in Fez

[From the French language press]:

Quarante millions d'hommes et de femmes convertis à la religion musulmane à travers le monde, telle est la contribution de Baye Niasse et de sa descendance à l'expansion de la Tarikha Tijane, selon l'imam Hassan Cissé qui introduisait hier après-midi (deuxième journée de la rencontre des Tijanes de Fès) une conférence sur le rôle social de la Tijania en Afrique.

All Africa, Mauritania/Wal Fadjri, Sénégal - vendredi 29 juin, 2007 - par Abdourahmane Camara

Forty million men and women converted to the Islamic religion throughout the world, such is the contribution of Baye Niasse and his descent to the expansion of the Tariqa Tijaniyya, according to Imam Hassan Cissé which introduced yesterday afternoon (second day of the Tijaniyya meeting in Fez) a conference on the social role of the Tijaniya in Africa.

If they could make as much for the expansion of the religion of Islam through the four continents, it is because “the Tariqa Tijaniya encourages knowledge, it is against ignorance”.

The “marabout of the Americans”, as Hassan Cissé is familiarly called, added that the teaching is imparted by men of great virtues, a feat that enabled the Tariqa to propagate in all the American metropolises, and also, very recently, in Pakistan, in Moscow, in South Africa and even in Bermuda.

[archive picture: Shaykh Hassan Cissé (right) with Kofi Annan; from The African American Islamic Institute]

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