Sunday, June 17, 2007

Studying the Heritage of Hadja Bahauddin Nakshband

Uzreport - Turkish Weekly - Ankara, Turkey
Saturday, June 16, 2007

The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov arrived in Bukhara region on 14 June to get acquainted with ongoing socioeconomic reforms here, UzA reported.

During the trip the Uzbek head paid special attention to the course of agricultural reforms, in particular, the work on further development of farm movement. On the territory of Sarbast-Kamol farm of Bukhara region, President Karimov talked with farmers, familiarized with conditions and available capacities for them.

President Islam Karimov visited the village of Afshona in Peshku district in Bukhara region, where great physician Avicenna was born. The president went to see the museum of the great scientist of Middle Ages and met with students of local medical college.

The Uzbek leader visited the memorial complex of Bahauddin Nakshband.

In the years of independence, large-scale work has been carried out in the sphere spirituality, enlightenment and education. Serious attention is paid to perpetuation of the memory of great ancestors, preservation and wide propaganda of their heritage.

Scientists are studying the heritage of Hadja Bahauddin Nakshband, an outstanding thinker, famous representative of Sufism, his invaluable contribution to the world intellectual treasury, as well as the effective application of this spiritual wealth in deed of upbringing young generation.

Viewing the complex, the Uzbek head appreciated the constructive work carried out during the years of independence, and noted the necessity of increasing orchards and flower gardens.

[picture: Bukhara, view of the Complex.

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