Monday, July 30, 2007

Ibn Khaldoun

[From the French language press]:

La revue scientifique de l'université [tunisienne] Ezzitouna, Al-Mishkat, a récemment publié son 4e numéro, consacré à Ibn Khaldoun.

On y trouve des articles, essentiellement en langue arabe, mais aussi quelques-uns en langue française.

Il s'agit d'un numéro spécial, consacré au sixième centenaire de la mort [Cairo, 1406 CE] du grand savant du XIVe siècle.

All Africa/La Presse - Tunis, Tunisia - vendredi 27 juillet, 2007 - par R. S.

The scientific review of the [Tunisian] Ezzitouna university, Al-Mishkat, published recently its 4th number, devoted to Ibn Khaldoun.

One finds there articles, primarily in the Arab language, but also some in the French language.

It is a special number, devoted to the sixth centenary of the death of the great scientist of the 14th century.

The review of Ezzitouna approaches primarily the theoretical part of the work of Ibn Khaldoun, i.e. Muqaddima, and this, under the angle of its bond with the great questions of theology and jurisprudence.

The Arabic language' part, which is some 420 pages long , presents 17 articles which cover aspects as varied as the Khaldounian approach of the bases of jurisprudence and Maliki school; the scientist's approach to the Arab language; his views of the relation between religion and assabiyya [group' consciousness]; and Ibn Khaldoun on Sufism.

[About Ibn Khaldoun:]

[About 'assabiyya:]

[picture: statue of Ibn Khaldoun in Tunis, Tunisia, avenue Habib Bourguiba;

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