Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tabriz Opens for Rumi

MNA - Mehr News - Tehran, Iran
Monday, July 30

The University of Tabriz is to hold a two-day international congress to commemorate the 800th birth anniversary of Molana Jalal ad-Din Rumi. It will take place on October 31 and November 1.

Iranian and foreign researchers and experts on Rumi are scheduled to participate in the event, the secretary of the congress told the Persian service of IRNA on Monday.

Khalil Hadidi stated that scholars from countries including France, Germany, India, China, Malaysia, Turkey, the United States, and Canada, will be attending the congress. Discussions and reviews will be held focusing on the life and characteristics of Rumi, his mysticism, philosophy, language and literature and his followers and opponents.

“Those who are interested in attending the event should send synopses of their discourses to the secretariat of the congress at the Persian and Foreign Language Department of the University of Tabriz before September 6,” Hadidi added.

The congress is cosponsored by the Society for Wisdom and Philosophy and the University of Tabriz.

UNESCO has designated 2007 "The Year of Rumi" to mark the 800th birth anniversary of this illustrious philosopher and mystical poet.

[picture: Autmn in Tabriz' University http://www2.tabrizu.ac.ir/show.asp?id=65]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Oh to be in Tabriz in the autumn, singing the poetry of Rumi
    in the tavern of ruin

    Ahhh, and Ya Haqq!
