Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Tijaniys To Open to the World

[From the French language press]:

Après avoir accompli la veille, vendredi [29 juin], dans l’après-midi, un pèlerinage qui a drainé des foules monstre à la Grande Zawiya de Fès où repose Cheikh Sidi Ahmed Tijani pour y faire la prière de ‘takusaan’ suivie du ‘khadaratou jouma’, puis de déclamations de poèmes à la gloire du prophète Mohamed (Psl) et du fondateur de la confrérie, le Forum des adeptes de la Tijania s'est achevé samedi [30 juin], dans l’ancienne capitale impériale du Royaume du Maroc.

Walf Fadjiri - Dakar, Sénégal - lundi 2 juillet 2007 - par Abdourahmane Camara

After having achieved the day before, Friday [June 29], in the afternoon, a pilgrimage which drained a huge crowd to the Great Zawiya of Fez where where rests Shaykh Sidi Ahmed Tijani to make the prayer of `takusaan' followed by the `khadaratou jouma', then by declamations of poems in praise of the Prophet Mohamed (pbuh) and in praise of the founder of the Brotherhood, the Forum of the followers of Tijaniya came to an end on Saturday [June 30], in the old imperial capital of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Recommendation of the Tijianiya: The `mouqadam' (scholars) of Shaykh Ahmed al-Tijani are called to open themselves to the world.

The organization of an international Forum every two years in Morocco to discuss the state of the Tariqa and its contribution to the expansion of Sufism: this is one of the sixteen recommendations made by the Delegates of the Forum.

The intention was set to promote the knowledge of Shaykh Sidi Ahmed al-Tijani through the diffusion of the books on his life and work. The participants also recommended to use all the media tools, in particular the creation of a web site and the launching of radios and a numerical television, to spread the lesson of the Tariqa and to perfect the training of the followers.

Before the end of the proceedings, the Forum addressed two motions of thanks to H.M. the King of Morocco: one motion of thanks from the grandsons of Shaykh Sidi Ahmed al-Tijani and the other from the Delegates of the meeting.

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